In the words of Sheryl Sandberg, we need to “lean in,” right? As women, business owners, moms, we can have it all! That’s at least what we keep telling ourselves as we try harder and harder to hold it all together and keep all our balls in the air.
But maybe we can’t. And maybe that’s ok.
Knowing When & What To Let Go
A few years ago, my gift to myself was letting go of the things that weren’t making me happy. Even if they were normal expectations for most, I discovered I didn’t have to do them. That was the magic of being an adult.

Now, of course, there are things I don’t like that NEED to be done. I’m looking at you, dirty dishes. But that’s where accepting help comes in.
It was some time after the birth of my second child that I had a heart-to-heart with my husband about where I needed help. And you know what, he stepped up. Suddenly I felt like I could take a deep breath again.
By being able to focus on what fulfilled me as a person, I could be a better mom and wife in the areas that actually matter.
What I also discovered is that when I stepped back and admitted what things I didn’t want to do, I easily could identify people in my life who didn’t mind them.
For me, that was the magic of living a “simple” life. I could do less, have less, and find easier ways of accomplishing things so I could have more of what sparks joy and light in my life.
It is my goal as a blogger to help other women and mothers do the same. I plan to use these pages to share how you can simplify too in a meaningful way for your family.

No one has all the answers. But together we can be the puzzle pieces that fit. We just have to accept help when and where it is offered whether that is in the home, our careers, or with our kids.